
Showing posts from July, 2022


Hello Everyone, Today I am going to share some general points about how to stay motivated or how to get going !!                          We often go through issues like "stress, pressure, depression, sadness" etc. The list goes on we heal ourselves for some time while at the next moment we encounter the same things. Many Problems one common point/solution is Expectation, it's either people from us or ours for someone, something. Going to share some points which may help you to come out of the issue. It's more of Implementing than reading and forgetting it... 1. Meditation/Yoga/Gym Start doing anyone and it's not necessary that you perform it at a particular time whenever you get the time just do it. Though maintain a proper interval gap between your food schedule. It all starts with your health so your primary concern should be health. 2. One Ideal Make someone your ideal it can be anyone as making someone your ideal will...